SCCC at The Opening of “200” Sculpture Exhibition

Speech by Mr Lee Ee Wurn, Programmes Director, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre at the opening of “200” sculpture exhibition

Speech by Mr Lee Ee Wurn, Programmes Director, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre at the opening of “200” sculpture exhibition - Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre

Speech by Mr Lee Ee Wurn, Programmes Director, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre at the opening of “200” sculpture exhibition

Speech by Mr Lee Ee Wurn, Programmes Director, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre at the opening of “200” sculpture exhibition

Our Guest-of-Honour Mr Chua Kee Teang, Lifelong Honorary President of Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan
Mr Chua Boon Kee, Chairman of Sculptures Society (Singapore)
Mr Yeo Chee Kiong, Committee Member, Public Relations
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good afternoon!

I am honoured to be here with you for the opening of the “200” Sculpture Exhibition. On behalf of the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre, I welcome all of you for taking time off your weekend to join us today.

As you come into our Centre, you may have noticed a few pieces of sculptures displayed at several locations. This is part of the first project that we have partnered with the Sculpture Society (Singapore), the “Sculptures Walk @ SCCC” where we brought in eight exceptional works by five local sculptors on level 1 and 9 of the Centre.

Our partnership with SSS has further deepened with the signing of our Visual Arts MOU with the in March this year. Under this MOU, the Centre will provide spaces to arts groups to present their major exhibitions on a regular basis. SSS is one of the first arts groups that have come on board with us on this MOU, and this “200” Sculpture Exhibition is considered one of the “fruits” of this new partnership.

Aptly named “200”, this exhibition is put together in conjunction with our Singapore Bicentennial. A total of 115 sculptures by pioneer sculptors such as Shui Tit Sing and Tan Teng Kee, as well as second-generation sculptors Han Sai Por, Wee Kong Chai and Cheong Fah Chong are being displayed at this Gallery. To make up for 200 pieces, the SSS has purposefully incorporated an element for public participation. They will be conducting Workshops for sculptures and non-sculptures, like you and I, to come and learn how to create a sculpture ourselves. These creations will be put up together with the works of the other masters here for public viewing, which to me, is a surreal experience. I encourage everyone to come forward and be part of this meaningful project.

I will now say a few words in Mandarin:

尊敬的 潮州八邑会馆 永远名誉会长 蔡纪典先生

新加坡雕塑协会会长 蔡汶家先生

新加坡雕塑协会公关部委员会成员 杨子强先生




欢迎大家出席“《200》雕塑展” 开幕仪式。感谢大家百忙之中抽空来到新加坡华族文化中心和我们一起见证这个富有意义的展览的开幕。

“《200》雕塑展”是新加坡雕塑协会和中心在“视觉艺术伙伴计划”下携手举办的首项活动。 签署这项备忘录的初衷是为迎合本地团体的需求。中心意识到本地有许多视觉艺术团体在寻找展览场地时时常遇到许多困难,而中心的设施恰好又适合举办展览活动。于是在今年三月,中心和八家本地视觉艺术团体签署谅解备忘录,利用中心的场地提供他们展览空间,希望能解决他们寻找适合空间的问题。

新加坡雕塑协会在策划这次展览非常用心。为配合新加坡开埠200年,而将展览命名为 “200”。展览展出的作品来自本地横跨四代的杰出雕塑家,一共有103件。为凑合“200”这个富有意义的数字,其余的97件作品则邀请公众一起参与打造。若你和我一样,觉得无从下手,协会将举办四场雕塑工作坊,让大家可以在经验丰富的导师们的指导下,亲身体验创作雕塑作品的过程,从无到有制作一件属于自己的雕塑品。难得的是,工作坊的成品将和大师级雕塑家的作品一同展示于《200》雕塑展。的确称得上是一个属于我们大家的雕塑展,寓意非凡!





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